📖 نام کتاب: International Relations and Security in the Digital Age.. انتشارات: ROUTLEDGE

📖 نام کتاب:International Relations and Security in the Digital Age

نویسنده: Johan Eriksson and Giampiero Giacomello


سال انتشار: 2007

#معرفی #کتاب

Information technology in general, and the diffusion of the Internet in particular, unquestionably has become one of the most dominant features of globalization, increasingly affecting states and societies around the world. Claiming that this challenge implies both opportunities and threats is basically a truism. Surprisingly however, theorists of international relations have paid only scant attention to the challenges of the digital age, especially from a security studies perspective. Moreover, the specialist literature on information security, information operations, cyberterrorism, and cybercrime has largely ignored theories of international relations and security, and has shown hardly any interest in theory building. Our intention with this book is to contribute towards filling the gap between theories of international relations and the practice of digital-age security

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