معرفی مهمترین آثار ای نویسندگان (کتاب):

معرفی مهمترین آثار ای نویسندگان (کتاب):
آثار Thucydides:
1-The History of the Peloponnesian War
2-The landmark
3-On justice, power, and human nature
4-The History of the Grecian War

آثار Machiavelli:
1-The Prince
2-The Art of War
3-Florentine Histories

آثار hobbes:
2-The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic
3-Man and citizen
4-Of Man

آثار Sun Tzu:
1-The Art of War

آثار Morgenthau:
1-Politics Among Nations
2-In Defense of the National Interest
3-The Purpose of American Politics
4-Scientific Man versus Power Politics
5-A new foreign policy for the United States
6-Principles & problems of international politics
