‍‍ ♻️عبارات مهم در کسب امتیاز بالای Writing و Speaking.. to partly agree with someone or something:

‍‍ ♻️عبارات مهم در کسب امتیاز بالای Writing و Speaking.. to partly agree with someone or something:

‍‍ ♻️عبارات مهم در کسب امتیاز بالای Writing و Speaking

♻️برای بیان موافقت خود در مورد موضوعی استفاده از عبارات زیر امتیاز شما را به شدت افزایش خواهد داد.

1️⃣To partly agree with someone or something= agree up to a point
to partly agree with someone or something:
تا حدی موافق بودن


✅ Although I agree with him up to a point, I find it hard to believe that this is true in every case. 

2️⃣ broadly agree = to agree with most parts of something:

در مجموع موافق بودن


✅  The conference delegates broadly agreed with the proposals.

3️⃣ there is some truth in =
used when saying that you think that something is partly true or right
برخی حقایق وجود دارد


✅  There is some truth in the argument that there is a link between violence on our streets and violence on our TV screens.
✅  There is some truth in all of these theories, but none of them can fully explain the causes of unemployment.

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