Please be advised that the swap fee of USDT, ETH and LUA has been updated:

Please be advised that the swap fee of USDT, ETH and LUA has been updated:

Please be advised that the swap fee of USDT, ETH and LUA has been updated:

▶️USDT (TRC21) -> USDT (ERC20): $60 per transaction.

▶️ ETH (TRC21) -> ETH (ERC20): 0,03 ETH per transaction.

▶️LUA (TRC21) -> LUA (ERC20): 480 LUA per transaction.

All these changes take effect today, Mar 22th, 2021.

📌TomoChain Lab has subsidized most of the actual swap fee since the launch of TomoBridge, despite the ever-increasing Ethereum gas gee.

📌Please be assured that we have made every effort to keep this increase to a minimum.

📌TomoChain Lab greatly appreciates your continued business and support through this time of growth and change.