🚀🚀🚀 The layer۲. finance v۰٫۱ Mainnet Launches: Democratize DeFi, Simple and Zero Fees 🚀🚀🚀

🚀🚀🚀 The layer2.finance v0.1 Mainnet Launches: Democratize DeFi, Simple and Zero Fees 🚀🚀🚀

Celer Network is thrilled to announce the launch of layer2.finance v0.1 on the Ethereum mainnet! The goal of layer2.finance was to democratize DeFi by directly addressing the two biggest challenges preventing DeFi from reaching mass adoption: the extraordinarily high transaction fees and being very difficult to navigate and use.

Layer2.finance is a novel solution that allows people to access all existing DeFi protocols at a fraction of the cost by acting like a “DeFi Public Transportation System”. With Celer’s advanced layer-2 rollup technology, multiple people split the cost of individual L1 DeFi transactions in a completely trust-free and non-custodial way. Layer2.finance’s simple, “turn-key” user interface (UI), was inspired by you, our community, who was generous with your feedback and support.

For the initial launch, three DeFi protocols on Ethereum are supported on layer2.finance: Compound, AAVE, and Curve (with many more to come soon). This means at a much lower cost, users can deposit funds to AAVE for lending, to Compound for combined lending and automatic $COMP yield farming and to Curve 3Pool for combined liquidity providing and automatic $CRV yield farming.

To show our gratitude to our community and to kick things off, all fees associated with using DeFi protocols on L2 are covered in the next 60 days! To learn more about how Celer Network is accelerating the mass adoption of DeFi via layer2.finance.

Use mainnet app: https://app.l2.finance

Like and Retweet: https://twitter.com/CelerNetwork/status/1385414781935394818

Check out this video explainer bit.ly/3dMZ1AB

Read Announcement Blog for more details: https://blog.celer.network/2021/04/22/the-layer2-finance-v0-1-mainnet-launches-democratize-defi-simple-and-zero-fees/