همایش بین المللی فلسفه دین معاصر-دانشگاه خوارزمی-۲۰۱۹.. Dear friends and colleagues,. Greeting!

همایش بین المللی فلسفه دین معاصر-دانشگاه خوارزمی-2019

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to announce that ‘the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion’ will be held in Tehran, Iran, " Kharazmi University" at 29-30 January 2019. Please do join us.
Also, please forward the following CFP to whom you think might be interested.
Sincerely yours,
Conference Secretariat
Comparative Philosophy of Religion (2): Foundations and Issues

- Nature of Comparative Philosophy of Religion
- Possibility of Comparative Philosophy of Religion
- Methodology of Comparative Philosophy of Religion
- Presuppositions of Comparative Philosophy of Religion
- Type of Religion and its Influence on Issues of Philosophy of Religion
- Definition of Religion in Different Philosophies of Religion
- Concept of God/Ultimate Reality/the Holy
- Arguments of the Existence of God/Ultimate Reality/the Holy
- Religious Experience and Revelation
- the Afterlife (Immortality)
- The Problem of Evil
- Reason and Faith
- Relationship between God and Nature (Universe)
- Language of Religion (Religious Language)

Time: 29-30 January 2019
Venue: Kharazmi University, Moffateh Avenue, Tehran, Iran
Conference website: http://philorconf.org/
Proposals of papers should consist of a title, a 300-350 word abstract, at least 3 keywords, and the author's affiliation and email address.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 December 2018
Deadline for Submission of Full Text of Speech (1500-2000 words): 31 December 2018

- Please submit proposals (in both MS Word and PDF formats) to [email protected].
- After getting acceptance of the previously submitted proposal, one needs to register through the Registration tab on the left menu.

- In order to get information about conference’s Academic Board, Suggestions for Accommodation, Visa Application Procedure etc. please refer to the correspondent tabs on the left menu.

- Please direct your enquiries to the following email address: [email protected]

more information:
