جملاتی از اومبرتو اکو که روز جمعه درگذشت

جملاتی از اومبرتو اکو که روز جمعه درگذشت

Umberto Eco: If I ruled the world, encourage more people to attend university, but don’t make courses easier

«اگر من حاکم جهان بودم مردم بیشتری را به دانشگاه رفتن تشویق می‌کردم اما مطالب درسی را ساده‌تر نمی‌کردم»

Every government should seek to improve education. Before the First World War only around 20 per cent of people in Italy received an elementary school education. Today, the problem is universities—the risk is that we reduce the entry requirements in order to give more people access to university but also lower the quality in the process. It was done in Italy recently and it was a tragedy. Now the first three years of university are too easy—students don’t have to read books longer than 100 pages. Those in power need to understand that you have to be challenged to grow up. When I was at university, I read thousands of pages and I didn’t die!

Karl Marx said that religion is the opium of the people—that it keeps people quiet. But it can also be the cocaine of the people.

Finally, if I was ruler of the world, I would like to oblige people to read all my books, so they become as intelligent as me and don’t believe we should have a ruler of the world!

