سایت موسسه میزس به گزارش آتلانتیک چنین جواب داده است: میزس، انسان اقتصادی را مدتها پیش از تالر کشت

سایت موسسه میزس به گزارش آتلانتیک چنین جواب داده است: میزس، انسان اقتصادی را مدتها پیش از تالر کشت

سایت موسسه میزس به گزارش آتلانتیک چنین جواب داده است: میزس، انسان اقتصادی را مدتها پیش از تالر کشت

نویسنده می‌گوید تالر گفته است پول جایزه را تا جای ممکن غیرعقلایی خرج می‌کنم.
اگر میزس زنده بود و جایزه را می‌برد بی‌تردید آن پول را عقلایی خرج می کرد.

Thaler attempted to use his data to predict how people would behave in the real world. He believes people’s irrationality can be predicted and even influenced by political policy, “Nudging.”

Mises saw it differently.

Understanding is always based on incomplete knowledge. We may believe we know the motives of the acting men, the ends they are aiming at, and the means they plan to apply for the attainment of these ends. We have a definite opinion with regard to the effects to be expected from the operation of these factors. But this knowledge is defective. We cannot exclude beforehand the possibility that we have erred in the appraisal of their influence or have failed to take into consideration some factors whose interference we did not foresee at all, or not in a correct way.
Thalar told the NY Times, he’d spend the prize money “as irrationally as possible.”

Should Mises ever win the Nobel posthumously, his estate, will no doubt spend the money rationally.
